Iced Jasmine Matcha Latte

Iced Jasmine Matcha Latte

One of my favorite summer drinks is an Iced Jasmine Matcha Latte. It combines two of my absolute favorite green teas- Jasmine Pearls and Matcha. Add just a touch of sweet cream, or any other sweetener and a splash of milk (or milk substitute) and you have the perfect iced coffee substitute!
**The Matcha and Jasmine Pearls in my picture are both from TeaVana. Since TeaVana is now closed I have included links to appropriate substitutes**


1 1/2 tsp Imperial Grade Matcha- I am using TeaVana Matcha but have linked a replacement above
4-5 tsp Jasmine Pearls Green Tea
10oz water heated to 175ºF
Italian Sweet Cream (optional)
16oz Cup (I’m using a glass) full of ice

Matcha and Matcha Tool Set
  1. Heat the water to 175ºF
  2. As the water heats- sift 1 1/2 tsp of Matcha into a Matcha bowl
  3. Once the water is at the correct temperature, add 8oz of water to the Jasmine Pearls and let steep for 3 minutes- If you plan to use a sweetener add to the Jasmine now to allow it to dissolve
  4. While the Jasmine is steeping prepare the Matcha

    Prepped Matcha and Jasmine Pearls
  5. Once the Jasmine has finished steeping, add it to the cup of ice.
  6. Optional- I like to use an electric whisk on my Matcha before I add it to my Jasmine. This gives my latte a nice foam at the top
  7. Add Matcha to the Jasmine
  8. Optional- Add a splash of Sweet Cream or any other Milk/Milk Substitute product you’d like to taste

Now Enjoy your Iced Jasmine Matcha Latte!

Iced Jasmine Matcha Latte

Matcha Products:

If you do not have a Matcha Bowl and Bamboo Matcha Toolkit I highly recommend getting them for any Matcha preparation.


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